Olasunmbo AJAYI
Food Science and Technology Programme
Professor of Food Science and Technology and specialises in Food Microbiology and Safety, Immunology and Food Biotechnology.
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Food Science (Food Micro & Safety)- 2010 Alabama A&M University, USA
- Master of Science (M.Sc.) Food Science- 2007 Alabama A&M University, USA
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Biology- 1986 University of Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
My areas of specialization are Food Microbiology and Safety, Immunology and Food Biotechnology. My interest lies in determining the microbial load and characterization of beneficial, spoilage and pathogenic organisms present in foods from the raw materials to the finished products.
Institutional Service
- Programme Coordinator for Postgraduate Programme March 2023-till date
- 500 Level Adviser Feb.2022-till date
- Acting PGPC Food Science and Technology June to Sept. 2022
- UG Programme Coordinator for Food Science and Technology 2021-2022
- Member, Bowen Catering Board Committee 2021-2022
- PG Programme Coordinator for Food Science and Technology 2019- 2021
- Member, PG board, Bowen University 2019- 2021
- Member, Space Allocation and Time-Table Committee 2015- 2021
- Member, Linkages Committee, Bowen University 2017-2019
- Member, Welfare Committee, Bowen University 2018-2020
- Member, Ventures Committee, Bowen University 2018- 2018
- Departmental Representative for Distance Learning Program 2017- 2018
- Member, Faculty Committee on Publication 2016- 2017
- Member, Bowen Agricultural Student Adviser 2013- 2014
- Chairman, Committee on Departmental Student-Staff forum 2013- 2020
- Chairman, Committee on Departmental Timetable 2012- 2021
- Member, Committee on Departmental Seminar & Accreditation 2011 till date.
- Cognate Dean Representative to College of Health Sciences Bowen University, Iwo (Feb. 9th, 2018; Mar. 18th, 2019)
- Acting Head of Department, Department of Food Science and Technology, Bowen University, Iwo (27th of November- 29th November 2013); 28th Sept- 2nd Oct. 2015; 12th -22nd Oct. 2015.
Professional Service
- Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology (MNIFST). Member
- West African Food Science and Technology (WAFoST). Member
- American Society of Microbiologists (ASM). Member
- Organization for Women in Science for the developing world (OWSD). Member
- African Continent Association for Food Protection (ACAFP). Member
- International Association for Food Protection (IAFP). Member
- Biotechnology Society of Nigeria (BSN)
Selected Publications
- Ajayi, O. A. Williams, L. L. Oluwoye, J. Johnson, J. U. (2009) “Antimicrobial Resistance Testing of “Staphylococcus” Isolates with Spiral Gradient Endpoint Technology”. The International Journal of Science in Society.1 (2): 60-69. https://doi.org/10.18848/1836-6236/CGP/v01i02/51350
- Yang, W.W. Chung, S.Y. Ajayi, O. A. Krishnamurthy, K. Konan, K. Goodrich
Schneider, R. (2010) “Use of Pulsed Ultraviolet Light to Reduce the Allergenic Potency of Soybean Extracts”. International Journal of Food Engineering. 6(3): 1-12. https://doi.org/10.2202/1556-3758.1876 - Ajayi, O.A. Williams, L.L. Oluwoye, J. Johnson, J.U. Okafor, F. Sanders, O.G. Wilson, T. (2011) “Epidemiological Approaches to Food Safety”. Journal of Food Protection Trends. 31(2): 560-568. http://www.foodprotection.org/files/food- protection-trends/Sep-11-Ajayi.pdf
- Williams, L. L. Ajayi, O. A. Johnson, J. U. Carter, B. and Khatiwada, J. (2014) “Molecular typing and cytotoxicity testing of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from milk, meat and clinical sources”. African J of Microbiology Research. 8(12): 1282-1291. https://doi.org/10.5897/AJMR2013.6555
- Ajayi, O. A. and Salaudeen, T. (2014) “Consumer food safety knowledge and awareness in Nigeria”. Internet Journal of Food Safety.16: 17-25. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
- Ajayi, O. A., Oluwoye, J. O. and Williams, L. L. (2014) “Policy Options on Reduction Of Foodborne Diseases”. Food and Public Health. 4(6):266-271. http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.fph.20140406.02.html
- Ajayi, O. A., Oluwoye, J. O. and Williams, L. L. (2015) “Development of hazard risk index of mortality caused by foodborne pathogens”. Food Protection Trends. 35(2): 113-123. http://www.foodprotection.org/files/food-protection-trends/Mar-Apr-15-Ajayi.pdf
- Ajayi, O.A., and Oluwoye, J. (2015) “Sustainable street vended foods and food safety: a conceptual framework”. International J. of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health.5(3/4): 195-216.
https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJFSNPH.2015.070154 - Ajayi, O.A., Akinrinde, I.M., Akinwunmi, O.O. (2015) “Towards the Development of shelf stable ‘iru’ (Parkia biglobosa) bouillon cubes using corn, cassava and potato starch extracts as binders”. Science Direct-Nigerian Food Journal. 33: 67–72.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nifoj.2015.04.006 - Ajayi O. A., Owoseni, A. A., Oluwoye, J. O. Oluranti, O.O. (2016) “A Study Behavior of Travelers’ Disease Symptoms of Vomiting and Diarrhea among Residents in Osun State, Nigeria”. Int. J. Life Sci. Scienti. Res. 2(2): 137-147. https://iijls.com/currentissue/IJLSSR-1062-10-2015.pdf
- Ajayi, O.A., Lessor, A.G., Akinwunmi, O.O. (2016) “Quality Evaluation of Zobo (Hibiscus sabdariffa) juice preserved with Moringa (Moringa oleifera) or Ginger (Zingiber officinale) extracts at different storage conditions”. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Science. 6(1): 730-736.
http://www.jmbfs.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/jmvfs-0972-ajayi.pdf - Ajayi, O. A., Yusuf, Z. T., Akinwunmi, O. O. (2016) “Effect of hydrocolloids (xanthan or gelatin) on the quality of Plantain-Soy -Wheat composite bread”. Nigerian Food Journal. 34(1): 55-65. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/nifoj/article/view/157766
- Ajayi, O. A., Odesanmi, O.O. and Akinwunmi, O. O. (2017) “Effect of Ginger extract on the Physico-Chemical properties, Nutritional Composition and Shelf- life of Tofu (beske)”. Journal of Advances in Food Science. 4(1): 23-30.
https://www.ikprress.org/index.php/JAFSAT/article/view/3655 - Ajayi, O. A., Ola, O. O. Akinwunmi, O. O. (2017) “Effect of drying method on nutritional composition, sensory and antimicrobial properties of Ginger (Zinginber officinale)”. International Food Research Journal. 24(2): 614-620. http://ifrj.upm.edu.my/24(02)2017/(21).pdf
- Ajayi, O. A., Amokeodo, M. I. Akinwunmi, O. O. (2017) “Microbial quality of Selected Ready-to-eat vegetables from Iwo, Nigeria and effectiveness of rinse agents”. Applied Tropical Agriculture. 22(2): 131-137.
https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.35068.90249 - Ajayi, O. A., Adegbenro, A. A. Akinwunmi, O. O. (2017) “Quality assessment of some Gari samples from Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria”. FUTA Journal of Research in Sciences. 13(3): 403-411. https://www.futa.edu.ng/journal/home/paperd/666/46/9
- Ajayi, O. A., Sunday, O. A. Akinwunmi, O. O. (2017) “Microbial quality of raw and Ready- to- eat (boiled) eggs from open markets and hawkers in Nigeria”. Nigerian Food Journal. 35(2): 44-52. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/nifoj/article/view/192712
- Ajayi, O. A., Olufemi, A. F. Akinwunmi, O. O. (2018) “Safety Evaluation of popularly consumed Street roasted corn and plantain in Nigeria”. Journal of Advances in Food Science. 4(4): 161-169. https://www.ikprress.org/index.php/JAFSAT/article/view/3726
- Ajayi, O. A., and Oladele, D. O. (2019) “Microbial Assessment of Foods and Currencies from Street Food Vendors and Antibiotic Resistance Profile of Isolates”. Journal of Advances in Microbiology. 14(2): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.9734/JAMB/2019/45662
- Ajayi, O. A., Banjo, E. O and Akinwunmi, O. O. (2019) “Quality assessment of selected drinkable yoghurt brands sold in Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria”. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences. 40(1): 30-39.
https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njns/article/view/187070 - Ajayi, O. A., and Adisa, T. (2019) “Nutritional composition of fruit stirred yoghurts produced from Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) non-dairy milk extract”. Journal of Advances in Food Science and Technology. 6(1): 32-39. https://www.ikprress.org/index.php/JAFSAT/citationstylelanguage/get/acs-nano?submissionId=4587
- Ajayi, O. A., and Oyerinde, M. O. (2020) “Evaluation of Nutritional composition of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) herbal Tea infused with Ginger (Zingiber officinale) and Lemon (Citrus limon) Peel”. Australian Journal of Science and Technology. 4(1): 215-221. http://aujst.com/vol-4-1/03_AJST-2020-01_OA.pdf
- Ajayi, O. A., and Bankole, T. I. (2020) “Preservative effects of Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Extract and Citric Acid and Pasteurization on the Nutritional quality and Shelf life of Tiger-Nut non-dairy Milk”. Journal of Food Technology Research. 7(2): 202-211. http://doi.org/10.18488/journal.58.2020.72.202.211
- Ajayi, O. A., and Ikechukwu, A. A. (2021). Effect of substitution of glucose syrup with date syrup on the nutritional quality of Granola bar. American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. 3(1): 239-250.
https://www.sdippress.com/volume/AJFSN/03/01/effect-of-substitution-of-glucose-syrup- with-date-syrup-on-the-nutritional-quality-of-granola-bar-610fa3e6b3390.pdf - Ajayi, O. A., and Segun-Taiwo, B. A. (2021). Effect of turmeric (Curcuma longa) spice on nutrititional, microbial content of moin-moin and efficacy of spice against selected foodborne pathogens. African Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 4(3): 28-40. http://doi.org/10.52589/AJAFS-8VINVY88
- Ajayi, O. A., and Ogunleye, O. M. (2022). Persistent Microbial Contaminants in Hawked ‘Ogi’ and Public Health Concerns in COVID-19 Era. Asian Food Science Journal. 21(9): 54-61. http://doi.org/10.9734/AFSJ/2022/v21i930452
- Ajayi, O. A. and Awe, O. T. (2022). Nutritional and Anti-nutritional Composition of Fermented/Pickled Garden Egg (Solanum aethiopicum L.). Food Scien Tech Journal. 4(1): 8-17. http://doi.org/10.33512/fsj.v4i1.14004
- Ajayi, O. A. and Okiti, U. O. (2023). Nutritional and microbial quality of selected commercially available powdered infant formula during the Covid-19 pandemic. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1219 (2023) 012021. http://doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1219/1/012021
- F M Makinde, M O Afolabi, O A Ajayi, O M Olatunji and E E Eze (2023). Effect of selected plant extracts on phytochemical, antioxidant, physicochemical and sensory properties of yoghurt. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1219 (2023) 012022 http://doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1219/1/012022
- Vincent Ishola Esan, T.E. Sangoyomi, O. A. Ajayi, Mark Christensen, J. O. Ogunwole. (2023). Performance evaluation and variability analysis for morpho-physiological traits of orange fleshed tomato varieties introduced in Nigeria climatic conditions Journal Agronomy Research. IN PRESS