college of Agriculture, Engineering and Science (COAES)
Food Science and Technology Programme
Professor Bolanle Omolara Otegbayo is a Lecturer at the Department of Food Science & Technology Bowen University, Iwo. Her area of specialization is Food Chemistry.
The thrust of her research has been on identification of determinants of food quality in crops to ensure wholesome delivery to stakeholders in the value chain. Her research works over the years have led to publications in reputable Journals and cited in renowned scientific databases and search engines.
Findings from her food quality research on Yam are now being used by yam breeders as screening tools to evaluate breeding lines for food quality.
They have also won her international recognitions leading to Grants and Awards; Notable amongst them are: IFAD grant for ‘Characterization of some Nigerian yam land races in terms of their food quality in relation to their end use suitability’, PEARLs II grant for ‘Developing indicators for phenotyping Food quality traits in yam (Dioscorea)’ (funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), ‘Breeding Root, Tubers, Banana for end Users preferences’ (funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) and ‘Calcium enrichment of Local foods through Nixtamalized Maize’ (funded by Harvest Plus/International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, USA), ‘Food Safety Research Project, to study household-level food safety risk and community capacity to monitor and mitigate foodborne illness in Nigeria’ (funded by Food safety Innovation Lab (FSIL), Purdue University, USA) etc..
Bolanle Otegbayo is a recipient of the distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship of African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD). She did her Postdoctoral training at CIRAD, Montpelier and INRA, Nantes, France in 2011 & 2012. She was the first AWARD fellow to be hosted by Agropolis Fondation, France where she worked on the physicochemical, functional, and molecular characterization of yam starch for potential industrial use.
She was the Head of Department of Food Science & Technology from 2013-2018, the pioneer Director of Research & Strategic Partnerships from 2018-2019 and currently the Provost of College of Post graduate Studies (COPGS) of Bowen University.
She is a Fellow of Nigeria Institute of Food Technologists, Fellow of Salzburg Global seminar, Austria, Fellow, African Nutrition Leadership Programme (ANLP) South Africa, Fellow, International Professional Managers, UK, Fellow Certified International Professional Managers, UK, Premier member, Institute of Food Technologist USA, member of Holland Alumni, Netherlands, member, International Association of Research Scholars and fellows (IARSAF), member, Nigeria Women in Agriculture Research and Development (NIWARD), member International Union of Food Science & Technologists (IUFoST), member International Society for Root and Tuber Crops, African Branch (ISTRC-AB), International Society for Root and Tuber Crops, (ISTRC), member, organization for women in Science in developing world (OWSD) Member, Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) and member, Expert Review Panel for Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) for Natural Toxin Methods (ERP) and a Certified Food Scientist (CFS) by International Food Science Certification Commission (IFSCC, USA) since 2013.
Professor Bolanle Otegbayo is an inaugural member of the Doctoral Academy being hosted by Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors of Post graduate Colleges in Nigeria where she was also one of their resource persons. She has served as a member and Chairman of Technical committees on Standards for various food products in Nigeria, and she is currently the Chairman for Meat, Poultry and related Products Committee of African Region Standards Organization (ARSO).
Professor Otegbayo has served and is still serving as a reviewer and associate editor to many reputable International Journals (Elsevier, Wiley etc.), Technical abstract reviewer for Institute of Food Technology (USA) annual meetings, and as external examiner for Post graduate examination and external assessor for staff promotion for some Universities in Nigeria and abroad. She has attended many trainings, workshops, seminars, and conferences at both local and international levels.
She has worked at both National; Institute of Agriculture Research and Training (IAR&T) and International Agricultural Research Institutes; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).
She is involved in mentoring colleagues both formally and informally; She has been an AWARD mentor three times and a mentor for the Strengthening Research Capacity in Nigeria Mentorship Program hosted by Nigerian Academy of Science.
- Ph.D Food Technology University of Ibadan (2004)
- M.Sc Food Technology University of Ibadan ( 1998)
- B.Sc Food Science and Technology Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife ( 1993)
My area of specialization is Food Chemistry, with focus on Food analysis and Food Development. The thrust of my research has been on identification of determinants of food quality (intrinsic and extrinsic properties of foods: nutritional value, physico-chemical properties, functional properties, handling, processing, storage, preservation and stability) that can affect the quality of processed food and that could be used as rapid screening tools in breeding programmes. It also includes product development (for different age groups; complementary, school age, adolescent and elderly) from indigenous crops (Maize, Soybean, Yam, Cassava etc.) to prevent post-harvest losses and to enhance their utilization both industrially and at home-level to enhance the livelihood of farmers and other stakeholders (processors and consumers).
I have won the following Grants:
- RTBfoods breeding for quality (Root, Tubers and Banana breeding for end user preferences) Project funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Food Safety Research Project, to study household-level food safety risk and community capacity to monitor and mitigate foodborne illness in Nigeria funded by Food safety Innovation Lab (FSIL), Purdue University, USA.
- Calcium Fortification of Local foods through Nixtamalized Maize funded by International Food Policy Research Institute and Harvest Plus (IFPRI).
- Root, Tubers and Banana breeding for end user preferences (RTBfoods) Project funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation .
- Programme for Emerging Agriculture Leaders [PEARLS] for Developing indicators for phenotyping food quality traits in yam [Dioscorea.spp]’ funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
- International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) TAG 704 Research Grant for Characterization of some Nigerian yam land races in terms of their food quality in relation to their end use suitability.
Institutional Service
- Provost College of Post-graduate Studies 2023 till date
- Member University Policy Formulation Committee 2022 till date
- Vice-Provost College of Postgraduate Studies 2019-2022
- Director of Research & Strategic partnership 2018- 2019
- Acting Head of Department of Food Science and Technology 2013-2018
- Chairman Publications and Research Committee 2015-2017
- Chairman Drug purchase and acquisition committees 2013-2016
- Chairman Catering board Committee 2017-2019
- Member Development Committee 2015-2017
- Member committee on proposed Bowen University International School 2011
- Member Curriculum committee 2010 -2013
- Delegate, Bowen University to National University Research and Development Fair (NUSREDEF) organized by the National Universities Commission held at University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 22 -26th of November 2010.
- Liaison officer for Bowen University at Zain African challenge competition 2009 – 2010.
- Member Bowen Concert committee which generated 6 million Naira for the University 2008
- Member, Students’ Disciplinary committee 2008 -2009
- Member, SIWES committee 2007- 2014
- Member, Hospital management committee 2006- 2015.
- Member, Ceremonial committee 2006- 2015.
- Member, Sport committee 2004-2010.
- Delegate, Bowen University ‘University Research Fair and Exhibition’ organized by the National Universities Commission held at Abuja from 23rd -26th of November 2004. Bowen University emerged as the best University among the private Universities in Nigeria.
- Hall warden, Storey Building 2004- 2009.
- Member, Memorandum of Understanding and linkages committee
Professional Service
- Chairman ad-hoc committee on University Accreditation by National University Commission (NUC) for Food Science & Technology to Madonna University, Enugu Campus (November, 28 to 30th 2023).
- Chairman ad-hoc committee on University Accreditation by National University Commission (NUC) for Food Science & Technology to Imo State University, (November, 30 to December, 2nd, 2023).
- Chairman ad-hoc committee on University Accreditation by National University Commission (NUC) for Food Science & Technology to University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State (December, 3rd to 5th, 2023).
- Mentor, Strengthening Research Capacity in Nigeria Mentorship Programme by National Academy of Science, 2023 till date
- Chairman ad-hoc committee on University Accreditation by National University Commission (NUC) for Food Science & Technology to Enugu University of Science and Technology ( Dec. 2022)
- Member Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) Expert Review Panel for Natural Toxin Methods (ERP), 2022 till date
- Chairman Technical Committee on African Region Standards (ARSO) for Meat, Poultry and related products 2021 till date
- Member Doctoral Academy of the Committee of Provosts and Deans of Post-graduate colleges in Nigeria, 2021 till date.
- Chairman Technical committee on Nigerian Standards for Meat and Meat products, Poultry and Eggs. 2020-2021.
- Member Steering committee, Nigeria Women in Agriculture and Research for Development (NIWARD) 2013 -2016.
- Member, Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) Technical committee on Standards for Soy-Lecithin 2010
- External Moderator for Examination, Department of Food Science and Technology, Osun State Polytechnic, Ire. 2007 -2009
- Chairman Technical committee on Standards for Salad cream and Mayonnaise, Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON). 2007.
- Financial Secretary for Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST) Western Region. 2006- 2009.
- Member, Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) Technical committee on Standards for Caramel. 2005 till-date.
- West Africa Regional Co-ordinator for Food science and Nutrition Network in Africa (FOSNNA). 2004-2006.
Scientific Responsibilities
- Associate Editor, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2023 till date
- Editor, Moor Journal of Agricultural research (I.A.R & T, Ibadan, 2023 till Date
Reviewer to the following Journals:
- International Journal of plant Biology 2022 till date
- Journal of Food Composition and Analysis ( Elsevier) 2022 till date
- Foods 2022 till date
- Food Science and Technology International (SAGE) 2021 till date
- Croatian Journal of Food Science& Technology 2019 till date
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2019 till date
- Food Science & Nutrition (Wiley) 2018 till date
- Food Chemistry (Elsevier) 2017 till date
- International Journal of Food properties (Wiley) 2017 till date
- Institute of Food Technology [IFT] Technical abstracts 2015 till date
- Food Research International (Elsevier) 2015 till date
- International Journal of Food Research 2013 till date
- Nigerian Food Science Journal 2014 till date
- Starch/Starke 2014 till date
- African Journal of Food Science 2010 till date
- African Journal of Nutrition and development 2010 till date
- African Journal of Agricultural Research 2012 till date
- British Science and Technology Journal 2012 till date
- Sustainability (Jamaica) 2011 till date
- Food quality and Preferences (Elsevier) 2009 till date
- Moor Journal of Agricultural research (I.A.R & T, Ibadan) 2009 till date
- LWT Food Science and Technology (Elsevier) 2008 till date.
- International Journal of Food Science and Technology (Wiley-Blackwell) 2007 till date.
Selected Publications
- Otegbayo, B.O., Samuel, F.O. and Fashakin, J.B. (2001). Effects of parboiling on physico-chemical qualities of rice using two local rice varieties in Nigeria. Journal of Food Technology in Africa. Vol 5. No 6: 130-132.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Sobande, F.O. and Aina, J.O. (2002). Nutritional qualities of extruded Soy-plantain Snack. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. Vol 41: No 5: 463-474.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Aina, J.O., Bokanga, M. and Asiedu, R. (2005). Microstructure of boiled tubers and its implication in the assessment of Textural quality in boiled yam. Journal of Texture Studies. Vol 36, No 3: 324-322.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Aina, J.O., Sakyi-Dawson, E.O., Bokanga, M. and Asiedu, R. (2005). Sensory texture Profiling and development of standard rating scales for pounded yam. Journal of Texture Studies. Vol. 36, No 5-6: 478-488.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Aina, J.O., Asiedu, R and Bokanga, M. (2006). Pasting characteristics of fresh yam (Dioscorea spp.) as indicator of Food textural quality in a major yam food product – Pounded yam. Food Chemistry. Vol 99. No 4: 663-669.
- Samuel F.O and Otegbayo B.O. (2006). Chemical analysis and sensory evaluation of Ogi enriched with soybeans and crayfish. Journal of Nutrition and Food Science. Vol. 36, No 4: 214-217.
- Omueti, O., Jaiyeola, O.A., Otegbayo, B.O., and Owosibo, O.T. (2006). Developing an improved home level technology for the production of a protein- enriched Nigerian local snack, Tofu pie: simulated “Meat pie”. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology. Vol 5 No.2/3: 81-90.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Aina, J.O., Lawrence, A., Sakyi-Dawson, E.O., Bokanga, M. and Asiedu, R. (2007). Texture profile analysis applied to pounded yam. Journal of Texture Studies. Vol. 38 No 3: 355-372.
- Omueti, O., Jaiyeola, O.A., Otegbayo, B.O., Ajomale, K. and Afolabi, O. (2009). Development and quality evaluation of low-cost weaning food types: Prowena and Propalm from Soybean (glycine max), groundnut (arachis hypogea) and Crayfish (Macrobrachium spp). British Food Journal. Vol. 111 No 2: 196-204.
- Omueti, O., Otegbayo, B.O., Jaiyeola, O.A., Ajomale, K. and Afolabi, O. (2009). Functional properties of complementary diets developed from Soybean (Glycine Max), Groundnut (Arachis hypogea) and Crayfish (Macrobrachium spp). Electronic Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Vol. 8, No 8: 563-573.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Samuel, F.O., Kehinde, A.L., Sangoyomi, T.E., and Okonkwo, C.C. (2010). Perception of Food Quality in Yam by some Nigerian Farmers. African Journal of Food Science. Vol. 4, No 8: 541- 549.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Lana, O and Ibitoye, W.O. (2010). Isolation and Physico- chemical characterization of starches from Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) and cooking banana (Musa sapientum). Journal of Food Biochemistry. Vol. 34, No 6: 1303-1318.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Bokanga, M. and Asiedu, R (2011). Physico-chemical composition of yam starch: Effect on textural quality of yam food product (Pounded yam). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. Vol 9 No 1: 1 4 5 – 1 5 0.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Asiedu, R and Bokanga, M. (2012). Effect of storage on chemical composition and food quality of yam. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation Vol. 36:438-445.
- Samuel F.O., Otegbayo B.O. and Alalade, T. (2012). Nutrient and Anti-Nutrient Content of Soy-Enriched Tapioca. Food and Nutrition Sciences. Vol.5: 784-789.
- Adeola, A.A., Otegbayo, B.O. and Ogunnoiki, S. (2012). Preliminary Studies on the Development and Evaluation of Instant Pounded Yam from Dioscorea alata. Journal of Applied. Sciences and Environmental Management. Vol. 16, No 3: 287 – 290.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Samuel F.O. and Alalade, T. (2013). Functional properties of soy-enriched tapioca. African journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 22, No 12: 3583 – 3589.
- Ibitoye, W.O., Afolabi, M. O., Otegbayo, B.O and Akintola A.C (2013). Preliminary Studies of the chemical composition and sensory properties of sweet potato starch-wheat flour blend noodles. Nigerian Food Journal. Vol. 31 No 2: 48-51.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Ogunniyan, D. and Akinwumi, B. (2014). Physicochemical and functional characterization of yam starch for potential industrial applications. Starch/Starke. Vol. 66: 235-250.
- Oroniran O.O., Adegoke G.O., and Otegbayo B.O. (2014). Chemical composition and acceptability of yam flour supplemented with whole wheat and soy flour. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional sciences. Vol. 35, No 2: 105-110.
- Otegbayo, B.O. (2014). Effect of storage on pasting characteristics of yam tubers. Nigerian Food Journal. Vol. 32, No 2: 113-119.
- Samuel F.O., Isola, O.R. and Otegbayo, B.O. (2015). Nutritional and sensory evaluation of Rice-based Masa enriched with soybean. Food and Nutrition Sciences. Vol. 6: 234-241.
- Ogunniyan, D.J., Otegbayo, B.O. and B. Akinwumi (2015). Appraisal of genetic diversity and relatedness of some cultivated yam (Dioscorea spp.) genotypes. Nigerian Journal of Genetics. Vol. (30, 31): 67-77.
- Tanimola, A. R., Otegbayo, B., and Akinoso R. (2016). Chemical, functional, rheological and sensory properties of amaranth flour and amaranth flour-based paste. African Journal of Food Science. Vol. 10, No 11: 313-319.
- Oroniran, O. O., Otegbayo B. O., Samuel F. O., and Aremu O. O. (2016). Nutrient Composition, Functional and Sensory Properties of Gruel made from Local Rice. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences. Vol. 37, No 1: 94-102.
- Otegbayo B.O., Owolabi D., Oroniran, O.O, Oludemi, F.O. (2016). Nutritional composition and acceptability of Maize –‘Ogi’ supplemented with Watermelon (Citrulluslanatus) seed. West Africa Food and Nutrition Journal. Vol. 14, No 1: 40-46.
- Otegbayo B.O., Owolabi D., Oroniran, O.O, Oludemi, F.O. (2016). Physicochemical properties of maize–‘ogi’ supplemented with watermelon (citrullus lanatus) seed. Bowen Journal of Agriculture. Vol. 6, No 1: 32-40.
- Oroniran, O. O., Otegbayo, B. O., James, M. (2017). Chemical Composition and Functional Properties of Complementary Diet Developed from Millet (Pennisetum americanum) and Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) American Journal of Food Science & Nutrition. Vol. 4, No 5: 66-73.
- * Otegbayo, B.O., Oguniyan, D.J., Olunlade, B.A., Oroniran O.O and Atobatele O.E (2018). Characterizing genotypic variation in biochemical composition, anti-nutritional and mineral bioavailability of some Nigerian yam (Dioscorea spp.) land races. Journal of Food Science &Technology. Vol. 55, (1): 205-216.
- Afolabi, M. O. Otegbayo, B. O. and Abe O. O. (2017) Chemical Compositions, Functional and Sensory Properties of Instant Pounded Yam Simulate from Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) Flour Blends. FUTA Journal of Research in Sciences. Vol. 13, No 3: 396-402.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Adebiyi, O.M., Bolaji, O.A., and Olunlade, B.A., (2018). Effect of Soy-enrichment on bread quality. International Food Research. Vol 25, (3): 1120-1125.
- Ogunyemi, M.O., Otegbayo, B.O. and Fagbenro, J.O. (2018) Effects of NPK and biochar fertilized soil on the proximate composition and mineral evaluation of maize flour. Food Science & Nutrition. Vol 6, (8): 2308-2313. 1002/fsn3.808
- Otegbayo, B.O., Oguniyan, D.J., Olunlade, B.A., Oroniran O.O and Atobatele O.E (2018b). Characterizing genotypic variation in biochemical composition, anti-nutritional and mineral bioavailability of some Nigerian yam (Dioscorea spp.) land races. Journal of Food Science &Technology, 55, (1), 205-216.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Akwa, I.M., Tanimola, A.R. (2020). Physico-chemical properties of beetroot (Beta vulgaris l. ) wine produced at varying fermentation days. Scientific African. Vol 8. 10.1016/j.sciaf.2020.e00420
- Otegbayo, B.O., Madu, T., Oroniran, O.O. Chijioke, U., Fawehinmi, O. Okoye, B., Tanimola, A.R. Adebola, P., Obidiegwu, J. (2021). End-user preferences for pounded yam and implications for food product profile development. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 56(3), 1458-1472. 1111/ijfs.14770
- Akinsola, O. T., Alamu, E. O., Otegbayo, B. O., Menkir, A., and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2020). Evaluation of Quality and Acceptability of Snack (Kokoro) Produced From Synthetic Provitamin A Maize (Zea mays) Genotypes. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 576217.
- Akinsola, O. T., Alamu, E. O., Otegbayo, B. O., Menkir, A., and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2021). Nutritional Properties of Ogi Powder and Sensory Perception of Ogi Porridge Made From Synthetic Provitamin: A Maize Genotype. Frontiers in Nutrition, 326.
- Oroniran, O. O., Samuel, F. O., Otegbayo, B. O., and Iwuamadi, I. (2021). Nutrient, Anti-Nutrient Composition and Sensory Attributes of Biscuit Made from Millet-Soy Blends. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences, 42(1), 130-140.
- Tanimola, A. R., Otegbayo, B., and Akinoso R. (2022). Physicochemical properties of yam starches from fifty lines of Dioscorea species. Food Research 6 (3) : 49 – 61.
- Tanimola, A. R., Abai, O. P., Ibitoye, W. O. and Otegbayo, B. O. (2022). Effects of pickling treatments and species on the properties of processed mushrooms (Pleurotus species). Food Research, 6(6), 13-20.
- Adesokan, M., Alamu, E. O., Otegbayo, B. and Maizya-Dixon, B. (2023). A Review of the Use of Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging (NIR-HSI) Techniques for the Non-Destructive Quality Assessment of Root and Tuber Crops. Applied Sciences, 13(9), 5226.;
- Adinsi, Laurent; DJIBRIL MOUSSA, Modoukpè; Honfozo, Laurenda; Bouniol, Alexandre; MEGHAR, Karima; Alamu, Emmanuel; Adesokan, Michael; ArufE, Santiago; Ofoeze, Miriam; Okoye, Benjamin; Madu, Tessy; Hotègni, Francis; Chijioke, Ugo; OTEGBAYO O, Bolanle; Dufour, Dominique; Hounhouigan, Joseph; Ceballos, Hernan; Mestres, Christian, Akissoé, Noël (2023). Characterizing quality traits of boiled yam: texture and taste for enhanced breeding efficiency. Special issue Journal of Food Science and Agriculture.
- Otegbayo, B.O.,Tran, T., Ricci, J. and Gibert, O. (2023). In situ dynamic rheological analysis of raw yam tubers: a potential phenotyping tool for quality evaluation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Oroniran, O., Tanimola, A. R., Fawehinmi, O., Alamu, A., Bolaji, O.A., Madu, T., Madu, Okoye, B., Chijioke, U., Ofoeze, M., Alamu, E. O., Adesokan, M., Ayetigbo, O., Bouniol, A Djibri‐Moussa, I., Adinsi, L.,, Akissoé, N. H,, Cornet, D., Parterne, A., Asrat, A., Obidiegwu, J. and Maizya-Dixon, B. (2023. Food quality profile of pounded yam and implications for yam breeding. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
- Houngbo, M. E., Desfontaines, L., Diman, J. L., Arnau, G., Mestres, C., Davrieux, F.,Laurien. R., Beurier, G., Marie-Magdeleine, C, Meghar, K., Alamu, E.O., Otegbayo, B.O and Cornet, D. (2023). Convolutional neural network allows amylose content prediction in yam (Dioscorea alata L.) flour using near infrared spectroscopy. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
- Houngbo, M. E., Desfontaines, L., Irep, J. L., Dibi, K. E. B., Couchy, M., Otegbayo, B. O.and Cornet, D. (2023). Starch granule size and shape characterization of yam (Dioscorea alata L) flour using automated image analysis. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
- Ayetigbo, O., Arufe, S., Kouassi, A., Adinsi, L., Adesokan, M., Escobar, A., Delgado, L.F., Tanimola, A., Oroniran, O., Vepowo, C.K. Nakitto, M., Khakasa, E., Chijioke, U., Nowakunda, K.,Newilah, G. N., Otegbayo, B., Akissoe, N.,Lechaudel, M., Tran, T.,Alamu, E.O., Maziya-Dixon, B., Mestres, C. and Dufour,D. (2023). Review of instrumental texture measurements as phenotypic tool to assess textural diversity of root and tuber and banana food products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
- Otegbayo, B.O., Tanimola, A.R., Ricci, J. and Olivier Gibert, O. (2023) Thermal properties and Dynamic Rheological characterization of Dioscorea starch gels (In press) gels-2505075
Technical reports
- Otegbayo, B.O., Oroniran, O., Fawehinmi, O. Ayandiji, A. (2018). A state of knowledge review on Yam. It’s Quality and Sensory Attributes. RTBfoods Project Report, 13p A state of knowledge review on Yam. It’s Quality and Sensory Attributes. RTBfoods Project Report. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29758.00320.
- Otegbayo B.O. (2018). State of Knowledge Report on Fresh Yam and Pounded Yam – WP2. And Pounded Yam – WP2.
- Otegbayo, B., Oroniran, O., Fawehinmi, O., Ayandiji, A., 2018. A Review on Yam. It’s Quality and Sensory Attributes. Iwo, (Nigeria). RTBfoods Project Report.
- Otegbayo, B.O. (2019). Standard operating procedure for Determination of Starch & Sugar through Acid Hydrolysis.
- Otegbayo B.O. (2020). Developing indicators for phenotyping food quality traits in yam (Dioscorea spp). Technical report on PEARLs GRANT submitted to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, USA. Pp 1-203.
- Otegbayo, B., Oroniran, O., and Tanimola, A. R., (2020) Laboratory standard operation procedure for Sensory Characterization of Pounded Yam (RTBfoods_E_6_6_SOP_Sensory_Characterization).
- Otegbayo, B., Oroniran, O., Fawehinmi, O., Tanimola, A., and Bouniol, A. (2021). Participatory Processing Diagnosis of Pounded Yam in Nigeria. Understanding the Drivers of Trait Preferences and the Development of Multi-user RTB Product Profiles, WP1, Step 3. Iwo, Nigeria: RTBfoods Project Report, 22 p.
- Mestres C., Ollier Léa, Domingo R. Otegbayo B., Rolland-Sabaté A, Dutheil de la Rochère A. (2021). SOP for the determination of galacturonic content. Biophysical characterization of quality traits, WP2. Montpellier. RTBfoods Project-CIRAD, 12 p.
- Otegbayo, B., Oroniran, O., Tanimola, A.R., Bolaji, O.A. and Alamu, A. (2022). Standard Operating Procedure for Instrumental texture evaluation of Pounded yam. 22_03_10_SOP.
- Otegbayo, B., Oroniran, O., Fawehinmi, O., Tanimola, A. R., Bolaji, O.A.(2022). Consumer Testing of Pounded Yam in Rural and Urban Areas in Iwo Nigeria. Understanding the Drivers of Trait Preferences and the Development of Multi-user RTB Product Profiles,.
- Ayetigbo, O., Domingo, R., Arufe vilas, S., Mestres, C., Akissoe, N., Otegbayo, B.O. (2022). Standard Operating Protocol for the Instrumental Determination of Extensibility of Pounded yam. Biophysical Characterization of Quality Traits, WP2. Montpellier, France: RTBfoods Laboratory Standard Operating Procedure, 18 p.