Iyabo Victoria OLATUBI
Lecturer II
Pure and Applied Biology Programme
Ph.D. (Pure and Applied Biology) Biological Sciences, Bowen University Iwo.
Iyabo Victoria Olatubi is a researcher and academic in the Pure and Applied Biology Programme, College of Agriculture, Engineering, and Science; Bowen University Iwo.
- PhD (2021) Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife (Zoology: Entomology)
- MSc (2015) Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife (Zoology)
- B.Sc. (2010) Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife (Zoology)
Competent educator in the field of Zoology with special interest in Entomology especially in the area of Forensic and Medical Entomology. She is currently a member of Entomology Society of Nigeria and Society for Forensic and Analytical Scientists of Nigeria. She possesses a high capacity for team work and exemplary leadership maximizing her research skills for self-development as well as that of her students.
Institutional Service
- Staff Adviser, Bowen Association of Biological Science students (BABBS)
- Assistant coordinator, Undergraduate’s seminar and projects
Selected Publications
- Olatubi, M. I., Olatubi, V. I. (2017). Ensuring a Safe Working Environment in Nigeria: Reality orMyth. American Journal of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2(3): 107-115
- Olatubi, I. V. and Muse, W. A. (2020). Roles of fresh and decomposed liver on aspects of reproduction of blowfly ChrysomyaChloropyga (wied.) (diptera: Calliphoridae). Ife Journal of Science, 22 (1): 91-99.
- Olatubi, I. V., Aromolaran, O., Joseph, S. T., & Adeleke, O. A. (2021). Isolation And Identification of Bacteria Associated with Decomposing Pig (Sus Scrofa) Carcass. Bacterial Empire, 4(2), e126.https://doi.org/10.36547/be.126
- OlatubiI. V., Ashipa O. S., Aromolaran O., Akinkunle V. A., Adeleke O. A. (2021). Isolation and characterization of bacteria from blowflies Chrysomyachloropyga collected from two different abattoirs in two communities. Academia Journal of Microbiology Research 9(2): 033-039. DOI: 10.15413/ajmr.2021.0105
- Ogunbode, T., Omotayo, O., Asifat, J., Ogunbile, P., Olatubi, I., Oyebamiji, V. (2021). Challenges of degradation in the Tropical Environment: Causes, Footprints and Remedies. Aswan University Journal of Environmental Studies, 2(4), 218-239. doi: 10.21608/aujes.2021.89948.1035.
- Ogunbode, T. A., Ogungbile, P. O., Olatubi, I. V., Aliku, O., Adeniyi, V. A., Akintunde, E. A., &Asifat, J. T. (2022) Impact of Local Oil Mills (Ebu Epo Pupa) on the On-Site Environmental Resources Quality in a Growing Urban Center in Nigeria. Manila Journal of Science 15: pp. 14–25.
- Ogunbode, T.O.,Aliku, O.,Ogungbile, P.O.,Olatubi, I.V.,Adeniyi, V. A., & Akintunde, E. A. Environmental impact of oil palm processing on some properties of the on-site soil in a growing city in Nigeria (2022).Front. Environ. Sci., Sec. Soil Processes.https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2022.918478
- Atobatele O. E., Olatubi I.V., Oyeku O. G., Ayokunle D. I., Oladosu O. O., Ogunnaike T. M.(2023). Analysis of COI gene, prevalence, and intensity of the bat fly Cyclopodiagreeffi on roosting straw-coloured fruit bat Eidolon helvum in Southwest Nigeria. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife,Volume 21, Pages 210-218,ISSN 2213-2244,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.06.003.
- Oladosu O.O., Oyeku O.G., Olatubi I.V., Ayokunle D.I., Okotie S.O., JibiriT. M.,Atobatele O. E. (2023). Molecular Characterization of Ixodid Ticks Infesting CattleIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1219 (1), 012005.
- Oladosu O.O., Olatubi I.V., Oyeku O.G., Ayokunle D.I., Okotie S.O., JibiriT. M.,Atobatele O. E. (2023). Molecular identification of Theileriaspp in cattle from Iwo Osun state, Nigeria. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science1219 (1), 012006