Michael Olutoyin AFOLABI
Associate Professor
college of Agriculture, Engineering and Science (COAES)
Food Science and Technology Programme
My area of specialization is food chemistry, analysis and quality control. My research is centered on the use of local herbs and spices in food preservation and processing.
- PhD – Food Technology 2010 University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
- M.Sc. Food Technology 2006 University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
- B.Sc. Food Science and Technology 1985 Obafemi Awolowo University, lle-Ife.
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) 1999 University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
- Advanced Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Organizational Transformation and Management Consultancy 2019, International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) United Kingdom.
Completed Research:
- Phytochemical Characterization of African Cardamom (Aframomum danielli) leaf, flower, seeds, stem and roots
- Antioxidant, antimicrobial and flavoring effects of the extracts of African Cardamom (Aframomum danielli) on foods such as biscuits, yoghurt, marsh apples etc. The project was funded by Forum for Food Science and Nutrition Network for Africa (FOSNNA).
- Consumers acceptability, chemical composition and physical properties of Beverages from blends of Cocoa pulp and pineapple juice. The Beverage produced had higher amount of calcium, iron, phosphorus, vit.c, and fibre compared with beverage from either the cocoa pulp or pineapple.
- Peroxide inhibiting properties of Moringa oleifera seed and leaf on crude groundnut oil. The research demonstrated that Moringa seeds exhibited stronger antioxidant properties than the leaves and they can be used to extend the shelf life of vegetable oil such as groundnut oil.
- Enrichment of Aadun with Moringa oleifera leaf and seed. The research demonstrated that Aadun (a snack food from maize) which is acceptable to consumers could be produced from maize and Moringa leaf and seed. The protein, calcium, and magnesium level increases in the final product.
- Influence of post harvest treatment on the colour retention of pepper ( Capsicum annum) In this research, chili pepper were produced from two varieties of red pepper, Capsicum sp, various post harvest pre-treatments, soaking in 5% sodium metabisulphate solution, hot water blanching at 90C and freezing for three days were carried out on samples before drying at 60°C in a cabinet dryer for 4 days, it was discovered that of all treatments blanching pre-treatment gave the highest level of carotene retention.
- Physicochemical and pasting properties of cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium and Colocasia esculenta) Flour and its suitability for bread production. The result of pasting properties and sensory evaluation showed that bread made from the two flour blends had high acceptability at 10% substitution level.
- Phytochemicals and Nutritional composition of pawpaw leaf and pineapple tea extract. In this research tea extract with high level of nutrients (vitamin C) and antioxidants (Alkaloids, Flavanoids etc) were produced.
- Chemical, anti-nutritional and sensory attributes of pumpkin seed (Telfairia occidentalis) enriched plantain snacks (Dodo Ikire). This research demonstrated that Dodo Ikire (local snacks from riped plantain) with 5% fluted pumpkin seed flour increased iron, phosphorus, vitamin A and C contents of the product.
- Nutritional composition and functional properties of water yam – pigeon pea flour blends and sensory attributes of fried water yam ball (Ojojo) produced from the blends. The research investigated the fortification of water yam ball (Ojojo) with pigeon pea to increase its nutritional level. Addition of pigeon pea flour up to 20% produced acceptable product to the consumers.
- Chemical properties and sensory evaluation of fruit leather produced form Banana and pineapple fruits blend. The result of the research demonstrated that blends of fruit containing 5% pineapple and 50% Banana gave the most acceptable product that was rich in vitamin C and potassium
- Chemical, functional properties and consumer acceptability of Ikokore produced from water yam flour and soy bean powder. In this research, it was inferred that Ikokore fortified with up to 10% soy bean flour was the most acceptable to the consumers. There was also an appreciable increase in the level of protein and minerals.
Research in-Progress:
- Title: Bioactivities of local herbs and spices e.g. moringa leaf, seed and flower in food system. Objective: The study is being carried out to determine the antimicrobial, anti-oxidative and flavoring properties of flower, seed, stem and roots of local herbs and spices in foods. The Story so far: Moringa leaf had been found to possess antioxidant property on crude groundnut oil. Potential of the study: It is expected that extract of these plants would be used to replace synthetic chemicals presently being used in foods as antimicrobial, antioxidant agents and to produce functional foods.
- Title: Physical, Chemical and Sensory Attributes of foods made from local grains and flutted Pumpkin (Telfairia. occidentalis, Hook F). The main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of full fat/defatted fluted pumpkin seed meal supplementation in different proportions on the physical properties, chemical compositions, and acceptability of food products produced from the pumpkin flour blends with other ingredients to improve the nutritional values of such foods. In this research work, the oven spring and the specific loaf volumes of the bread samples baked with full fat pumpkin seed flour decreased while the proteins, fats, ash and minerals contents increased significantly with increase in the level of substitution of full fat fluted pumpkin seed meal. Bread samples with 25% fluted pumpkin seed was acceptable to panel members while samples with 30% gave a trace of bitter taste typical of pumpkin seed oil.
- Title: Production and evaluation of food products produced from locust bean (Parkia biglobosa) fruitpulp. The objective of this research is to proffer solution to post harvest wastage of the pulp and increase its potential utilization. The fruit pulp of Parkia biglobosa plant had been used for the production of good quality jam, either solely or in combination with other fruits in this research
- Title: Comparative evaluation of sodium benzoate, sodium metabisulphite (Synthetic) And natural preservatives from plant source( e.g Moringa plant) on storage stability of tomatoes, pawpaw and other fruits. The objective of this research is to replace synthetic chemicals as preservatives with herbs and spices as the preservatives.
- Title: Enrichment of yoghurt and other milk products with local herbs and spices to improve their flavour and enhance prolonged shelf live at room temperature. The objective of this research is to utilize our local herbs in milk products
Institutional Service
- Secretary, Space allocation committee, Faculty of Agriculture(2011-2013).
- Chairman, Departmental Courses Allocation Committee (2013-2018).
- Member, University Committee on Learned Conference (2015-2018).
- Departmental Postgraduate Program Coordinator (2014-2018).
- Acting Head, Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture (Aug., 2018-July, 2019).
- Chairman, Quality Assurance Committee, Food Science and Technology program (Oct.2020-2021).
- Member, Food Science and Technology Postgraduate Program Committee (2015 till date).
- Member, Committee on Departmental Seminar &Accreditation (2011 till date).
Professional Service
- Zonal Coordinator, Nigerian Institute of’ Food Science and Technology Oyo, Osun and Kwara Zones (2011-2015).
- Assistant Secretary, Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology Western Chapter (2015-2017).
- General Secretary, Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology Western Chapter (2017-2019).
- Sunday School Teacher: His grace Evangelical Church, Scout Camp, Challenge, Ibadan.
- Head, Education Department: His grace Evangelical Church, Scout Camp, Challenge, Ibadan. (Church Headquarter).
- Teaching, Research and Public Service.
Selected Publications
Chapters in Books already published:
- Olutoyin Afolabi, and Gabriel O. Adegoke (2013). The genus Aframomum and Cardamons In: Adegoke G.O.(Ed). Aframomum danielli Components and bioactivities in food Systems Germany, Deutschland. Lambert Publishing pp. 7-16.
- Babarinde, G.O., Fasoyiro, S.B., Afolabi, M.O., and Adegoke, G.O. (2013) Phytochemical profiles of seeds, flower, leaves, stem and root of A.danielli in;Adegoke, GO. (Ed). Aframonum danielli Components and bioactivities in Food systems. Germany, Deuschland. Lambert publishing. pp.27-31.
- Afolabi, M.O.,and Adegoke, G.O. (2013). Component analysis of flower, leaf stem and root of Adanielli. In: Adegoke G.O.(Ed). Aframomum danielli: components and bioactivities in food systems. Germany, Deutschland. Lambert Publishing.pp.42-56.
- Adegoke, G.O., Afolabi M.O., Babarinde, G. O., Fasoyiro, S.O., Letuma, P., I.,Lekota, M. and Molapo, S. (2013). Antimicrobial and preservative activities of A.danielli in food matrices, In: Adegoke G.O. (Ed). Aframomun danielli: Components and bioactivities in food systems. Germany, Deutschland. Lambert Publishing. pp.57-65.
- Adegoke, G.O., Afolabi, M.O., Fasoyiro, S.O., Babarinde, G.O., Ntakatsane, M P. and Skura, B.J. (20013). Antioxidant and antibrowning activities of A.danielli, In:Adegoke G. O. (Ed). Aframomum danielli: components and bioactivities infood systems. Germany, Deutschland, Lambert Publishing pp. 57-65.
- Adegoke, G O., Felix, O lviehurhoma., and Afolabi, M.O., (2015). African cardamom (Aframomum danielli) oil. In: Preedy V.R.(Ed). Essential oils in Food Preservation, Flavour and Safety. London, Academic press. pp.161-171.
Articles that have appeared in learned journals:
- Afolabi, M.O. Adegoke, G.O., and Mathooko, F.M. (2011). ‘Phytochemical characterization of the extracts of Aframomum danielli flower, leaf, stem and root”. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (1): 97 101.
- Afolabi, M.O., and Adegoke, G.O. (2011) “Mineral contents, Proximate composition and photochemistry of Aframomum danielli flower, leaf stem and root’’, Journal of Applied and Environmental Sciences. 6(3):66-71.
- Afolabi, M.O., Adegoke, G.O., Olunlade, B.A., Adeola, A.A. and Ibitoye, W.O. (2012) ‘The inhibition of Aflatoxin production from Aspergillus parasiticus NRRI.2999 by ethanol extract of Afromomum danielliflowe’. Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, 11(2): 349-352.
- Adeola, A.A., Olunlande, B.A., Afolabi, M.O., and lbitoye, W.O. (2012) ‘‘A comparative evaluation of’ the physical and chemical properties of ‘Tamarind (Tamarin dusindica) in Nigeria’’. Journal of Agricultural Research and Development. 11(1): 151-158.
- Ibitoye, W.O., Afolabi, M.O., Otegbayo, B.O., and Akintola, A.C. (2013) ‘‘Preliminary studies of the chemical composition anti sensory properties of’ sweet potato starch-wheat flour blend noodles’’. Nigerian Food Journal. 31(2):48-5I.
- Afolabi, M.O. and Adegoke, G.O. (2014) “Antioxidative and flavoring effects of A. danielli on biscuits’’. African Journal of Food Science, 8(4):200-203.
- Adeola, A.A., Olunlade, B. A., and Afolabi, M,O. (2015) ‘‘Effect of Pigeon Pea Flour Addition on the Chemical, Anti-nutritional and Sensory Properties of Gurundi (A wheat—based snack)’. Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences. 26(l): 26-31.
- Afolabi, M.O., Ibitoye, W.O, and Agbaje, A.F. (2015)“Evaluation of Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Cocoa Pulp Beverage Supplemented with pineapple juice’’. Journal of Food Research. 4(6):58-61.
- Afolabi, M.O., Adeola, A.A., Olunlade, B.A. and Ladapo, O.A. (2015). ‘‘Antioxidant Activities of’ Moringa olefera Seed and Leaf’ Ethanol Extracts’’. African Journal of Science and Nature. Vol. I, 2015: 53-56.
- Fasoyiro, S.B., Oyelakin, M.O., Alimi, J.P., Zaka, K.O., Ajani, A., Oduntan, A, Olapade, A.A., Farinde, E.A., Osunhitan, S.O., Ejigbo, E.A., Adeboyejo, E.O., Ilesanmi, F.F. and Afolabi, M.O. (2015).‘‘Gender Response and Sensitization of’ Students in Oyo State, Nigeria on Career Choice in Science & Technology (Case Study: Food Science and Technology)’’. International Journal of Development Research. 5(2):3508-3512.
- Atobatele, O.B. and Afolabi, M.O. (2016) ‘‘Chemical (Composition arid Sensory Evaluation of Cookies Baked from the Blends of Soya Beans and Maize Flours’’, Applied Tropical Agriculture 21 (2): 8-13.
- Adegoke, G.O., Odebadeu, A.O. and Afolabi, M.O. (2017). “Control of’ Spouting of Yarn (Dioscorea rotundata) and Sweet Potato Potato (Ipoma.batatas) using African Cardamon (Aframomon danielli), turmeric (Curcuma.longa) and Clove (Syzygium. aromaticum)’’ Journal of Food Industry. 1(1):59-67.
- Adegoke, G.O., Odebadeu, A.O. and Afolabi, M.O. (2017). ‘‘Control of Browning of’ Yam (Dioscorea.rotundata) and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea.batatas) using African Cardamon (Aframomon damelli), Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and clove (Syzygium aromaticum)’’. Journal of Food Industry. I (1):53-58.
- *Adegoke, G.O, Oyekunle. A.O. and Afolabi, M.O. (2017) ‘‘Functional Biscuits from Wheat, Soya bean and Turmeric (Curcuma.longa). Optinization of Ingredients Levels using Response Surface Methodology’’. Research Journal of Food and Nutrition. 1(I): 13-22.
- *Afolabi, M.O., Otegbayo, B.O. and Abe, O.O. (2017). ‘‘Chemical Compositions. Functional and Sensory Properties of Instant Pounded Yarn Simulate from Yarn (Dioscorea.rotundata) and unripe plantain (Musa.paradisca)”. FUTA Journal of Research in Sciences. 13(3). 396-402.
- *Adegoke, G. O., Anarado, C. S and Afolabi, M. O. (2018). “Antioxidant Potentials of Turmeric (Curcuma.longa)and Clove (Syzygium.aromaticum) Extracts, Singly and in Synergy on Peanut butter”. Food Science and Nutrition Technology 3(1): 2574-2701.
- *F.M Makinde, M.O Afolabi, O.A Ajayi, O.M Olatunji and E.E Eze (2023) Effects of selected plant extracts on phytochemical, ant-oxidants, physicochemical and sensory property of yoghurt. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1219 (1), 012022.
- *O.O Peters, M.O Afolabi and F.M Makinde, (2023) Chemical, Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of yoghurt and yoghurt simulate produced from the blends of cow milk and coconut milk. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1219 (1), 012020.
Manuscripts under consideration for publication:
- M.O. Afolabi, T.E. Adelakun, and J.O. Olajide. Effects of Sodium Benzoate and Moringa Powder on Retention of Lycopene and Beta-carotene of Tomato and Pawpaw Products. Journal Production. Processing and Nutrition (Published by BioMed Central, part of Springer Nature).
- M.O. Afolabi, A.S. Oladega, and A.A. Adeola. Physico-chemical, nutritional and Sensory Acceptability of Chocolate made with Date Palm fruit (phoenix dactylifera) powder as asubstitute for refined sugar. Journal of Production. Processing and Nutrition (Published by BioMed Central, part of Springer Nature).
Articles that have appeared in Referred Conference Proceedings
- Ibitoye, W.O., Afolabi, M.O., Lala, O.T. and Adebiyi, D.M. (2015). “Production and Evaluation of Jam from Locust Bean (Parkia biglobosa) and Pineapple (Ananascomosus) pulp blends”. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Symposium of the International Association of Research Scholars and Fellows, held at the International Conference Centre, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 23-24 March. 2015, pp.29.
- *Afolabi, M.O., Oludemi F.O. and Adebanjo, O. A, (2017). “Physical, Chemical and Sensory Attributes of Bread made from Wheat and Full Fat fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentails Hook F.) Seed Meal”. Proceedings of’ the 41stConference andAnnual General Meeting. Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology held from22nd—25th October, 2017 at International Conference Centre, Abuja, Nigeria. pp. 153-154.
- *Afolabi, M.O., Oludemi, F.O, and Adebanjo, O.A. (2017), “Synergistic Effect of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and African Cardamom (Aframomon danielli) on Keeping Quality and Consumer Acceptability of fermented African locust beans (Parkia biglohosa)”. Proceedings of the 41st Conference and Annual General Meeting. Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology held from 22nd—25th October 2017 at International Conference Abuja, Nigeria. pp. 299-300.
- *Afolabi, M.O. and Arowolo, T.E. (2022). Functional Properties and Chemical Composition of Water yam Pigeon Pea Flour Blends and Sensory Attributes of Fried Wateryam Ball (Ojojo) Produced from the Blends. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference and General Meeting. Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology held from 17th-21st October 2022 at National Centre for Women Development, Abuja. Nigeria.
- *Afolabi, M.O. and Fatiregun, M.R (2022). Chemical, Anti- Nutritional and Sensory Attributes of Pumpkin Seed (Telfairia occidentalis) Enriched Plantain (Musa spp.) Snacks (Dodo-Ikire). Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference Meeting. Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology held from 17th-21st October 2022 at National Centre for Women Development Abuja. Nigeria.
- *Afolabi, M.O. and Eghobamien, E.B. (2022). Evaluation of Chemical Composition and Sensory Properties of Esikolo Supplimented with Soya Beans (Glycine max) and Plantain (Musa spp.) Flours. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference and General Meetings. Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology held from 17th-21st October 2022 at National Centre for Women Development Abuja. Nigeria.
- Afolabi, M.O., Olunlade, B.A, Oseni, O.O. and Ibitoye, W. O. (2023) Physico-chemical properties and sensory acceptability of biscuits produced from blends of wheat (Triticuma estivum) and sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) flours. Proceedings of the 9th Regional Food Science and Technology Summit (ReFoSTS) Held at DLK Event Centre, Abiola Way Abeokuta Ogun State 5th- 8th June, 2023.
- Afolabi Michael Olutoyin. Antimicrobial, antioxidative, anti-browning and food preservative properties of bio active components of Aframonum danielli leaf and flower. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan 2010.
- Afolabi Michael Olutoyin. “Food Preservative and flavoring effects of Aframonum danielli on biscuits. M.Sc Thesis, University of Ibadan, 2005.
- Afolabi Michael Olutoyin. Malting Characteristics of five maize varieties. B.Sc Thesis, University of Ife, 1985.