Exam misconduct refers to any dishonest or unethical behaviour exhibited by students during the course of an examination or assessment.
It can take various forms and is generally considered a violation of academic integrity. Here are a few key points about exam misconduct:
- Cheating: Getting or giving unauthorized assistance during an exam is considered cheating. It can involve discussing with others, utilizing cheat sheets or secret notes, using electronic devices or the internet, or glancing at someone else’s answers.
- Collaboration: Collaboration during an exam refers to cooperating with others in an unapproved way. It entails exchanging solutions, coordinating actions, or working with peers when collaboration is prohibited.
- Impersonation: To take an exam in someone else’s name, one must assume that person’s identity. This can entail utilizing falsified identification documents or paying someone to take an exam.
- Unauthorized items: Unless specifically permitted by the instructor, bringing unauthorized items into an exam, such as notes, textbooks, or electronic devices, is considered misbehavior.
- Communication: Talking, texting, or using internet platforms to communicate with other students during an exam is often not permitted and is regarded as misbehavior.
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