- Students are advised to pay their fees on or before 11:59pm on Sunday, 31st of May 2020.
- Students who make payment after this time should contact their respective College Accountant for notification of payment.
- Any student who fail to take this examination may be allowed to take the examination at the next available opportunity with a yet to be announced penalty.
- All questions are timed.
- The timing for each examination is indicated.
- The system submits automatically at the expiration of the timed duration, thereby denying the student further alteration or re-visitation of options.
- Only students who have registered and have made full payment of required fees will be permitted to take the examination.
- Students must take the examination in a conducive room against any external intrusion.
Sponsored Data
The University has magnanimously sponsored the data usage of each student accessing the examination portal for the purpose of examination only. Consequently, only those who had provided their phone numbers for internet usage will benefit from this package. Please note, that the sponsored data is accessible through each student’s mobile number, hence, students can only make use of the sponsored data by means of sharing through hotspot. However, you are advised to have an alternative backup for internet.
Compatible Devices and Browsers
- Students are strongly advised to use laptops or desktops with functional webcam and microphone.
- Recommended browsers: Google Chrome and Firefox.
Online Examination Guidelines
Please read the following carefully before attempting this examination:
Prior to the examination
- Please note that this examination is being monitored.
- Each student must “Allow” device microphone and camera on the browser.
- Each student must share the entire window screen not tabs.
- Students should note that they can be heard.
- There is a two-way communication between a student and an invigilator. Hence, the use of ear-piece is advised.
- No student will be allowed to start any examination after 30 minutes of the commencement of the examination as stated in the Examination Timetable. For instance, if an examination is to commence by 10:00 a.m., a student will not be permitted to take the examination by 10:31 a.m. even after successful login.
- Students are to study the examination instructions carefully.
During Examination
- Movement of any kind is not allowed; students are to focus on their devices.
- Do not attempt to refresh the browser.
- Students are allowed to communicate verbally with the invigilator only when necessary.
- Student are to note that the invigilator and the system will give comprehensive reports of activities throughout the duration of the examination.
- Any student who finishes the examination before the allotted time can submit by clicking the ‘Submit Exam’ button.
- If the allotted time should elapse, the system will automatically submit students responses.
- Contravention of any of these regulations shall constitute examination misconduct and shall attract appropriate disciplinary actions.
After Examination
On the exam completed page, it is expected of each student to complete:
- the feedback form; and
- the complaint form, if appropriate.
Ag. Registrar
28th May, 2020
i think using of Laptop for Exams will be better. Thanks for the Info. I love this school.
I have paid my school fully and it is still on my portal it is showing me that I am still owing
Please kindly contact your college accountant. You can check for your college accountant contact details using this link: https://bowen.edu.ng/2020/05/21/disclaimer/
Sir, how can we clarify outstanding School fee payment. I saw my name on the debtors list that am owing 80,000 but I have paid complete fees and I have cleared it with my college accountant but I still see my name on the list.
Kindly read this: https://bowen.edu.ng/2020/05/21/disclaimer/
Please what about the students that does not have a laptop or desktop……Can they use their phone.
Please we advice for use of laptop or desktop for the online examination, thank you.
I saw in the guideline to exam that we should use laptop,either Firefox or chrome.buh I don’t have a laptop, can I use my phone?
Please we advice for use of laptop or desktop for the online examination, thank you.
For those who don’t own laptops or have laptops with damaged mics, can the online exams be taken on a smartphone?
Please we advice for use of laptop or desktop for the online examination, thank you.
What if I dont have a laptop will I be able to write the exams with my phone.
Please we advice for use of laptop or desktop for the online examination, thank you.
I don’t think everyone have a laptop or a desktop, so I can’t use my phone for the exams
Please we advice for use of laptop or desktop for the online examination, thank you.
Not everyone has a laptop or computer, can we also use our phones too
Please we advice for use of laptop or desktop for the online examination, thank you.